Tiffany A. Davis

Todd Richardson
1 min readFeb 7, 2020


Tiffany A. Davis


Tiffany A Davis is a professional Artist born in Kingston, Jamaica raised in Atlanta, GA. She is a self-taught Artist that began her painting en-devours in 2014. Mainly working with acrylic and oil paint mediums. Landscapes, animals, and portraits are some of her favorite things to paint. Her passion for creating allows her to try new things and step out of her comfort zones to create 3-D works of art incorporating different materials such as glass, tiles, flowers, etc. In 2019 she began body painting and creating fun, colorful, and creative 3-D designs. Creating beautiful and expressive art has always been her passion and chosen form of expression. She finds inspiration in nature, music and connecting with others. Painting has always been a place of solace and the journey in teaching herself has been a life changing experience.

Social media

Associated Acts

-”Stop the Gun Violence” Mural featured on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, located in little 5pts Atlanta, 2019

- Art Gone Wild Artist Showcase Zoo Atlanta, 2019

- Artwork featured in “Watercolor” Short Film on BWBM Network



Todd Richardson

Todd Richardson is a Journalist based out of Atlanta Ga.